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留学生 / りゅうがくせい : n 1)overseas student 2)exchange student P
留学先 / りゅうがくさき : n 1)study abroad destination
留学 / りゅうがく : n vs 1)studying abroad (usu. at university level) P
留年生 / りゅうねんせい : n 1)student repeating the same class
留守宅 / るすたく : n 1)house where the family is out
留別 / りゅうべつ : n 1)farewell to those staying behind
留分 / りゅうぶん : n 1)fraction (i.e. in distillation) 2)cut
留処 / とめど : n 1)end 2)termination point

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