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画策 / かくさく : n vs 1)plan 2)scheme 3)program formulation 4)programme formulation 5)maneuver 6)manoeuvre
画餅 / がへい / がべい : n 1)failure 2)fiasco 3)rice-cake painting 4)collapse 5)something of little value
画眉 / がび : n 1)penciling eyebrows
画然 / かくぜん : n adj-t 1)distinct 2)clear-cut 3)sharp
画派 / がは : n 1)school of painting
画法 / がほう : n 1)art of drawing and painting
画楼 / がろう : n 1 1)high decorated building 2 2)picture-perfect mansion 3)stately home that looks as if it were from a painting
画業 / がぎょう : n 1)works of painting

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