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獲得寛容 / かくとくかんよう : 1)acquired tolerance
獲得 / かくとく : 1)acquisition 2)procurement 3)acquire 4)procure 5)obtain (vs)
獲得免疫 / かくとくめんえき : n 1)acquired immunity
獲得形質 / かくとくけいしつ : n 1)acquired characteristics (as opposed to inherited)
獲物 / えもの : n 1)game 2)spoils 3)trophy 4)prey P
獲麟 / かくりん : n 1 arch 1)the end of things (esp. used for one's last writings) 2 2)one's dying hour (esp. used for the death of Confucius)
獲れる / とれる : v1 1 1)to be harvested 2)to be reaped 3)to be yielded 2 4)to be able to harvest 5)to be able to reap 6)to be able to yield
獲る / える / とる : v1 vt 1)to get 2)to acquire 3)to obtain 4)to procure 5)to earn 6)to win 7)to gain 8)to secure 9)to attain v5r vt 10)to take 11)to catch 12)to capture

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