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物性 / ぶっせい : n 1)physical properties 2)properties of matter 3)physicality
物性値 / ぶっせいち : n 1)physical property
物故 / ぶっこ : n vs 1)death
物品 / ぶっぴん : 1)goods 2)article 3)commodity
物損 / ぶっそん : n 1)property damage (i.e. as from an accident)
物指 / ものさし : n 1)ruler 2)measure P
物外 / ぶつがい : n 1)transcendent world 2)world outside of the material world 3)somewhere removed from the world
物持 / ものもち : n 1 1)rich person 2)wealthy person 2 3)taking good care of things 4)keeping things for a long time and taking care of them

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