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物売り / ものうり : n 1)peddling 2)a peddlar
物取り / ものとり : n 1)thief 2)robber
物分り / ものわかり : n 1)understanding (of people's circumstances and feelings) 2)perceptiveness 3)sympathy 4)wisdom
物作り / ものつくり / ものづくり : n 1 1)manufacturing 2)craftsmanship 3)making things by hand 2 4)making New-Year's decorations 3 5)preparing fields 6)farming 7)farmer
物入り / ものいり : adj-na n 1)expenses
物前 / ものまえ : n 1 arch 1)just before a war 2 arch 2)day before a holiday 3 arch 3)day before the one on which prostitutes were forced to accept customers
物別れ / ものわかれ : n 1)failure to reach agreement P
物分かり / ものわかり : n 1)understanding (of people's circumstances and feelings) 2)perceptiveness 3)sympathy 4)wisdom

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