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潤滑剤 / じゅんかつざい : n 1)lubricant
潤滑油 / じゅんかつゆ : n 1)lubricating oil 2)lubricant 3)lube P
潤滑性 / じゅんかつせい : 1)lubricant
潤滑 / じゅんかつ : 1)lubrication 2)lubricate 3)lubricant (vs)
潤う / うるおう : v5u vi 1 1)to be moist 2)to be damp 3)to get wet 4)to be watered 2 5)to profit by 6)to receive benefits 7)to receive favors (favours) 3 8)to become rich 9)to become at ease financially P
潤かす / ふやかす : v5s vt uk 1)to soak 2)to steep 3)to macerate
潤ける / ふやける : v1 vi uk 1)to become sodden 2)to swell up
潤す / うるおす : v5s vt 1 1)to moisten 2)to wet 2 3)to profit 4)to enrich 5)to benefit P

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