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潜血 / せんけつ : 1)occult blood
潜行 / せんこう : n vs 1 1)underwater navigation 2 2)going underground 3)going into hiding 4)travelling incognito 5)traveling incognito 6)travelling in disguise 7)traveling in disguise
潜り / くぐり / もぐり : n uk 1)side door 2)side gate 3)wicket gate n 1 4)diving 5)diver adj-no n 2 6)unlicensed (doctor, driver, etc.) 7)unregistered 8)unqualified
潜像 / せんぞう : n 1)latent image
潜む / ひそむ : v5m vi 1)to lurk 2)to lie dormant 3)to be hidden 4)to be concealed 5)to be stashed P
潜く / かずく / かづく : v5k 1 uk arch 1)to be underwater from the neck down 2)to collect shells, seaweed, etc. by diving under the water 2 3)to force something under the surface of the water
潜入 / せんにゅう : n vs 1)infiltration 2)sneaking in P
潜函 / せんかん : n 1)caisson

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