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潜熱 / せんねつ : n 1)latent heat
潜る / くぐる / むぐる / もぐる : v5r vi 1 1)to go under 2)to pass under 3)to go through 4)to pass through 2 5)to dive (into or under the water) 3 6)to evade 7)to get around 8)to slip past 4 9)to survive 10)to surmount P ok v5r vi 1 11)to dive (into or under water) 2 12)to get under 13)to get into 14)to get in 15)to creep into 16)to crawl under 17)to bury oneself 18)to burrow into 19)to dig oneself into 20)to snuggle under 3 21)to hide oneself (esp. from the government) 22)to conceal oneself 23)to go underground v5r vi 1 24)to dive (into or under water)
潜伏 / せんぷく : n vs 1 1)concealment 2)hiding 3)ambush 2 4)incubation 5)latency 6)dormancy P
潜像 / せんぞう : n 1)latent image
潜入 / せんにゅう : n vs 1)infiltration 2)sneaking in P
潜函 / せんかん : n 1)caisson
潜在 / せんざい : n vs 1)potentiality 2)dormancy 3)latency P
潜心 / せんしん : n 1)meditation

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