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漁区 / ぎょく : n 1)fishing ground 2)fishery
漁船 / ぎょせん : n 1)fishing boat P
漁舟 / ぎょしゅう : n 1)small fishing boat 2)fishing smack
漁網 / ぎょもう : n 1)fishing net
漁礁 / ぎょしょう : n 1)fish reef 2)reef where fish live and breed
漁獲 / ぎょかく : n vs 1)fishing 2)catch 3)haul P
漁猟 / ぎょりょう : n 1)fishing and hunting
漁火 / いさりび / ぎょか : n 1)fire for luring fish at night

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