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満腹中枢 / まんぷくちゅうすう : 1)satiety center
満腹 / まんぷく : adj-na n vs adj-no 1)filling the stomach 2)full stomach
満腹感 / まんぷくかん : n 1)feeling of a full stomach after a meal 2)satisfaction of having a full stomach
満空情報 / まんくうじょうほう : n 1)information on space availability in a parking lot (car park)
満満 / まんまん : adj-na adv n 1)full of 2)brimming with
満洲 / まんしゅう : n 1)Manchuria
満水 / まんすい : n 1)full to the brim with water
満株 / まんかぶ : n 1)full subscription (of shares)

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