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減耗 / げんこう / げんもう : n vs 1)natural decrease
減産 / げんさん : n vs 1)reduction in production P
減水 / げんすい : n vs 1)subsiding of water
減殺 / げんさい : n vs 1)lessening 2)diminishing 3)reducing
減段 / げんたん : n vs 1)reduction (of crop size) 2)reduction of acreage (under cultivation)
減極 / げんきょく : 1)depolarization (vs)
減数 / げんすう : n vs 1 1)decreasing in number 2 2)type of cell division (biology) 3 3)subtrahend
減摩 / げんま : n vs adj-no 1)reduction in friction 2)lubrication

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