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浮遊 / ふゆう : n vs 1)floating 2)wandering 3)suspension P
浮ぶ / うかぶ : v5b 1 1)to float 2)to be suspended 2 3)to rise to surface 3 4)to come to mind 5)to have inspiration
浮気 / うわき : n adj-na vs 1 1)(sens) extramarital sex 2)affair 3)fooling around 2 4)infidelity 5)wantonness 6)unfaithfulness 7)inconstancy 8)fickleness 9)caprice P
浮氷 / ふひょう : n 1)ice floe
浮沈 / ふちん : n vs 1)floating and sinking 2)rise and fall 3)ebb and flow 4)ups and downs P
浮流 / ふりゅう : n vs 1)floating about 2)drifting
浮浪 / ふろう : n vs 1)vagrancy 2)vagabondage 3)wander around
浮游 / ふゆう : n vs 1)floating 2)wandering 3)suspension

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