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沈着冷静 / ちんちゃくれいせい : n adj-na 1)calm, cool, and collected 2)level and calm
沈静 / ちんせい : adj-na n 1)stillness 2)tranquility 3)tranquillity 4)dullness P
沈着 / ちんちゃく : n vs 1 1)settling or depositing (at the bottom of something) 2)deposition 3)pigmentation n adj-na 2 4)composure 5)calmness P
沈着物 / ちんちゃくぶつ : 1)deposit
沈着率 / ちんちゃくりつ : n 1)deposition rate 2)deposition fraction
沈没 / ちんぼつ : n vs 1)sinking 2)foundering 3)going down 4)submersion P
沈沈 / しんしん / ちんちん : adj-t 1 1)silent (esp. of the passing of the night) 2 2)piercing (cold) adj-t 3)silent (esp. of the passing of the night)
沈水海岸 / ちんすいかいがん : n 1)submergent coastline 2)submerged coast 3)submerged shoreline

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