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気が狂う / きがくるう : exp v5u 1)to go mad 2)to go crazy
気が合う / きがあう : exp v5u 1)to get along (with someone)
気が違う / きがちがう : exp v5u col 1)to be mad 2)to go mad 3)to go insane
気が済む / きがすむ : exp v5m 1)to be satisfied 2)to feel good
気が向く / きがむく : exp v5k 1)to feel like 2)to feel inclined to do
気が勝つ / きがかつ : exp v5t 1)to be determined or strong-willed
気が利く / きがきく : exp v5k 1 1)to be sensible 2)to be smart 3)to be tasteful 2 4)to be thoughtful 5)to be tactful 6)to be sensitive
気が重い / きがおもい : exp 1)depressed 2)bummed out 3)down 4)heavy-hearted 5)heavy-spirited 6)feeling reluctant (to do)

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