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残らず / のこらず : adv 1)all 2)entirely 3)completely 4)without exception P
残り / のこり : n adj-no 1)remnant 2)residue 3)remaining 4)left-over P
残品 / ざんぴん : n 1)remaining stock
残喘 / ざんぜん : n arch 1)the remainder of one's life
残土 / ざんど : n 1)earth dug out of a construction site
残圧計 / ざんあつけい : n 1)submersible pressure gauge (diving) 2)SPG
残基 / ざんき : n 1)residue
残塁 / ざんるい : n vs 1)remnant fort 2)left on base (baseball) P

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