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極めて / きわめて : adv 1)exceedingly 2)extremely 3)decisively P
極め書 / きわめがき : n 1)certificate
極め手 / きめて : n 1 1)decider 2)person who decides 2 3)deciding factor 4)clincher 5)trump card 6)winning move
極め所 / きめどころ : n 1 1)crucial point 2 2)perfect chance
極め / きめ / ぎめ : n n-suf 1)agreement 2)rule n n-suf uk 3)contracted regular payment, e.g. monthly, weekly, etc. 4)by the (month, week, etc.)
極める / きめる / きわめる : v1 vt 1 1)to decide 2)to choose 3)to determine 4)to make up one's mind 5)to resolve 6)to set one's heart on 7)to settle 8)to arrange 9)to set 10)to appoint 11)to fix 2 12)to clinch (a victory) 13)to decide (the outcome of a match) 3 14)to persist in doing 15)to go through with 4 16)to always do 17)to have made a habit of 5 18)to take for granted 19)to assume 6 20)to dress up 21)to dress to kill 22)to dress to the nines 23)(7) to carry out successfully (a move in sports, a pose in dance, etc.) 24)to succeed in doing MA 25)(8) (sumo) to immobilize with a double-arm lock (in sumo, judo, etc.) v1 vt 1 26)to carry to extremes 27)to go to the end of something 2 28)to investigate thoroughly 29)to master P
極エロ / きょくエロ : n 1)extreme eroticism 2)something very erotic
極印 / ごくいん : n 1)seal 2)hallmark 3)stamp die

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