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根治 / こんじ / こんち : n vs 1)complete (radical) cure
/ こん / : n 1 1)stick-to-itiveness 2)perseverance 3)persistence 2 4)radical (esp. one that tends to ionize easily) 3 5)(math) root 4 6)(Buddh) indriya (faculty of the body having a specific function, i.e. the sensor... n 1 7)root (of a plant) 2 8)root (of a tooth, hair, etc.) 9)center (of a pimple, etc.) 3 10)root root (of all evil, etc.) 11)source 12)origin 13)cause 14)basis 4 15)one's true nature 5 16)(fishing) reef P
根茎 / こんけい : n adj-no 1)rhizome 2)root stalk
根幹 / こんかん : n 1 1)root and trunk 2 2)foundation 3)root 4)basis 5)core 6)fundamentals P
根底 / こんてい : n 1)root 2)basis 3)foundation P
根性 / こんじょう : n vs 1)will-power 2)guts 3)temper 4)nature 5)spirit P
根絶 / こんぜつ : n vs 1)eradication 2)extermination P
根系 / こんけい : 1)root system

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