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束状帯 / そくじょうたい : 1)zona fasciculata
束状化 / そくじょうか : 1)fasciculation 2)fasciculate (vs)
束帯 / そくたい : n 1)old ceremonial court dress
束柱 / つかばしら : n 1)short pillar standing between a beam and roof ridge
束縛 / そくばく : n vs 1)restraint 2)shackles 3)restriction 4)confinement 5)binding P
杖状 / つえじょう : adj-no n 1)staff-shaped
束脩 / そくしゅう : n 1 1)entrance fee 2)initiation fee 3)registration fee 4)present to a teacher 2 arch 5)gift of dried meat from a new vassal or pupil
束晶 / そくしょう : 1)raphid

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