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末期感染 / まっきかんせん : 1)terminal infection (vs)
末期 / まっき / まつご : n 1 1)closing years (period, days) 2)last stage 3)end stage 4)end-of-life (care, decision making, etc.) 2 5)(adj-f) terminal (e.g. cancer, disease, etc.) 6)final P n 7)deathbed 8)hour of death
末期がん / まっきがん : n 1)terminal cancer
末期の水 / まつごのみず : n 1)attend a dying person
末期介護 / まっきかいご : 1)terminal care (vs)
末期症状 / まっきじょうじょう : n adj-no 1)terminal symptoms
末期癌 / まっきがん : n 1)terminal cancer
末期養子 / まつごようし : n 1)deathbed adoption of a successor (to prevent extinction of the family line) 2)person adopted by someone on his deathbed

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