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服喪 / ふくも : n vs 1)going into mourning
服罪 / ふくざい : n vs 1)penal servitude 2)submitting to a sentence 3)pleading guilty
/ ふく / ぶく : n n-suf 1 1)clothes (esp. Western clothes) suf 2 2)counter for doses of medicine, gulps of tea, drags of a cigarette, etc. P n 1 arch 3)mourning clothes 2 4)mourning 5)period of mourning
服務 / ふくむ : n vs 1)duty 2)public service
服地 / ふくじ : n 1)cloth 2)dress material 3)clothing fabric
服姿 / ふくすがた : n 1)(organizational) uniform
服属 / ふくぞく : n vs 1)a follower 2)yield allegiance to
服役 / ふくえき : n vs 1)penal servitude 2)military service P

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