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明暗順応 / めいあんじゅんのう : 1)adaptation to luminosity
明順応 / めいじゅんのう : 1)light adaptation 2)photopic
明応 / めいおう : n 1)Meiou era (1492.7.19-1501.2.29)
明反応 / めいはんのう : 1)light reaction (vs)
明暗 / めいあん : n 1)light and darkness 2)light and shade P
明暗両面 / めいあんりょうめん : n 1)(both) the bright and dark sides
明楽 / みんがく : n 1)Ming-era Chinese music (popularized in Japan during the early 17th century)
明治 / めいじ : n 1)Meiji era (1868.9.8-1912.7.30) P

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