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政敵 / せいてき : n 1)political opponent P
政令 / せいれい : n 1)government ordinance 2)cabinet order P
政事 / せいじ : n 1)political affairs
政争 / せいそう : n 1)political strife P
/ せい / まつりごと : n 1)rule 2)government P
政局 / せいきょく : n 1)political situation P
政情 / せいじょう : n 1)political situation 2)political affairs P
政所 / まつりごとどころ / まどころ / まんどころ : n 1 1)official in charge of the administration of domains and general affairs of power... 2 hon abbr 2)titled lady (legal wife of an important official) 3 3)government office related to finances (Kamakura and Muromachi periods) 4 4)clerk working for large temples and shrines

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