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放任 / ほうにん : n vs adj-no 1)noninterference 2)leaving something to take its own course 3)giving someone a free hand with something P
放免 / ほうべん / ほうめん : n vs 1)release (from custody) 2)discharge 3)liberation 4)setting free 5)letting go 6)letting off 7)acquittal
放下 / ほうか / ほうげ : n vs 1 arch 1)(Buddh) discarding 2)abandoning 2 3)variety of street performance from the Middle Ages 2 4)casting off one's attachments (in Zen)
放列 / ほうれつ : n 1)a battery 2)barrage
放光 / ほうこう : n 1)emission of light
放卵 / ほうらん : 1)spawning (vs)
放埒 / ほうらつ : adj-na 1)licentious 2)profligate 3)dissipated 4)riotous 5)wild
放埓 / ほうらつ : adj-na 1)licentious 2)profligate 3)dissipated 4)riotous 5)wild

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