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撤兵 / てっぺい : n vs 1)withdrawal of troops P
撤収 / てっしゅう : n vs 1 1)removal (e.g. of a building) 2)dismantling (e.g. a tent) 3)striking (e.g. a stage set) 2 4)withdrawal (of troops) 5)evacuation 6)retreating P
撤廃 / てっぱい : n vs 1)annulment 2)abolition 3)repeal 4)rescission P
撤退 / てったい : n vs 1)evacuation 2)withdrawal 3)revocation 4)repeal 5)retreat P
撤去 / てっきょ : n vs 1 1)withdrawal 2)revocation 3)repeal 2 4)demolition 5)removal P
撤回 / てっかい : n vs adj-no 1)withdrawal 2)revocation 3)repeal P
撰者 / せんじゃ : n 1)author 2)compiler 3)editor
撲殺 / ぼくさつ : n vs 1)beat to death

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