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揚陸艦 / ようりくかん : n 1)landing craft
揚陸艦艇 / ようりくかんてい : n 1)landing ship
揚陸料 / ようりくりょう : n 1)landing charge
揚陸 / ようりく : n vs 1)landing 2)unloading
揚程 / ようてい : n 1)lifting height (of a pump, etc.)
揚幕 / あげまく : n 1)entrance curtain (in noh)
揚巻貝 / あげまきがい : n uk 1)constricted tagelus (Sinonovacula constricta) 2)Chinese razor clam
揚巻 / あげまき : n 1 1)old-fashioned boys' hairstyle 2 2)Meiji period women's hairstyle 3 3)type of dance in kabuki 4 4)(sumo) knots in colour of four cardinal points hanging from the roof above the r... 5 abbr 5)constricted tagelus (Sinonovacula constricta) 6)Chinese razor clam

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