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指向 / しこう : n vs 1 1)being orientated (towards) 2)pointing (towards) 3)directing (towards) adj-no 2 4)directional (e.g. microphone) n-suf 3 5)-oriented
指声 / さしごえ : n arch 1)(music) section of recitative (esp. in Noh music)
指す / さす : v5s vt 1 1)to point 2 2)to nominate 3)to select someone 4)to specify some person 3 5)to identify 6)to indicate 7)to point out 4 8)to play (shogi) 5 9)to extend one's arm straight ahead (in dance) P
指導 / しどう : n vs 1 1)leadership 2)guidance 3)coaching 2 4)shido (disciplinary action for a minor infringement of the rules of judo) P
指令 / しれい : n vs 1)orders 2)instructions 3)directive 4)command P
指揮 / しき : n vs adj-no 1)command 2)direction P
指値 / さしね : n 1)limit price (e.g. on a stock transaction) 2)price limit
指先 / ゆびさき : n adj-no 1)fingertip P

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