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持ち込み / もちこみ : n 1)bring-your-own (e.g. food and drink) 2)carry-on (e.g. luggage) P
持込み / もちこみ : n 1)bring-your-own (e.g. food and drink) 2)carry-on (e.g. luggage)
持ち込む / もちこむ : v5m vt 1 1)to take something into ... 2)to bring in 3)to carry in 2 4)to lodge (a complaint) 5)to file (a plan) 6)to bring (a proposal) 7)to commence negotiations 3 8)to bring to (a state: tied game, vote, trial, etc.) P
持ち越す / もちこす : v5s vt 1)to carry over 2)to carry forward 3)to keep (for later) 4)to defer P
持ち手 / もちて : n 1 1)handle 2)grip 2 3)holder 4)person who holds
持ち帰る / もちかえる : v5r vt 1)to bring back 2)to carry home 3)to take out (e.g. food) P
持ち帰り / もちかえり : n 1)takeout (i.e. food) 2)take-out 3)takeaway 4)take-away P
持ち崩す / もちくずす : v5s vt 1)to ruin oneself 2)to degrade oneself

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