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持ち合い / もちあい : n 1 1)unity 2)even matching 3)interdependence 2 4)steadiness (of market price) 5)holding 6)no change P
持ち合い株 / もちあいかぶ : n 1)cross-held shares 2)cross-holdings
持ち合せ / もちあわせ : n 1 1)things on hand 2)things in stock 2 3)money on hand 4)money in one's wallet adj-no 3 5)on hand 6)in stock
持ち合う / もちあう : v5u 1 1)to balance 2)to counterpoise 2 3)to remain unchanged 3 4)to share (e.g. the expense) 5)to bear (part of)
持ち帰り / もちかえり : n 1)takeout (i.e. food) 2)take-out 3)takeaway 4)take-away P
持ち帰る / もちかえる : v5r vt 1)to bring back 2)to carry home 3)to take out (e.g. food) P
持ちきり / もちきり : n 1)hot topic 2)talk of the town
持ちが良い / もちがいい / もちがよい : exp 1)wear well 2)keep long 3)last long

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