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抑える / おさえる : v1 vt 1 1)to pin something down 2)to hold something down 3)to hold something back 4)to stop 5)to restrain 6)to curb 2 7)to seize 8)to grasp 9)to arrest 3 10)to gain control of something 11)to govern 12)to keep down (e.g. information) 13)to suppress 4 14)to catch happening 15)to determine (important points) 16)to find (proof) 17)to understand P
抑え / おさえ : n 1)weight (e.g. paperweight) 2)rear guard 3)control 4)check 5)pressure P
抑鬱 / よくうつ : n 1)dejection 2)depression
抑草 / よくそう : n 1)weed suppression (by mulching, etc.)
抑留者 / よくりゅうしゃ : n 1)detainee
抉じる / こじる : v5r v1 vt uk 1)to pry 2)to prize 3)to prise
抉る / えぐる / くじる / こじる / さくる / しゃくる : v5r vt 1 1)to gouge 2)to hollow out 3)to bore 4)to excavate 5)to scoop out 2 6)to greatly perturb 7)to cause emotional pain 3 8)to get to the bottom of things 9)to relentlessly bring the truth to light v5r vt uk 10)to stick into and move around 11)to dig around in 12)to pick (i.e. one's teeth) v5r v1 vt uk 13)to pry 14)to prize 15)to prise ok v5r vt 1 uk 16)to dig out 17)to gouge out 2 18)to scoop 19)to ladle 20)to bail 3 21)to jerk (one's chin) v5r vt 1 uk 22)to dig out
抉れる / えぐれる / しゃくれる : v1 vi 1)to be gouged 2)to be hollowed 3)to become hollow v1 1 uk 4)to be concaved 5)to have a concave shape 2 6)to be crooked (chin)

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