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手を抜く / てをぬく : exp v5k 1)to ease up (on an opponent) 2)to cut corners 3)to be shoddy
手を拱く / てをこまぬく / てをこまねく : exp v5k 1)to fold one's arms 2)to stand and watch (without interfering)
手をつく / てをつく : exp v5k 1)to place both hands on the ground (to express respect, apology or to present a r...
手を引く / てをひく : exp v5k 1 1)to withdraw from (a deal) 2)to wash one's hands of 2 3)to lead by the hand
手を焼く / てをやく : exp v5k 1)not know what to do with 2)to be at a loss with 3)to have difficulty with 4)to be put out
手をひく / てをひく : exp v5k 1 1)to withdraw from (a deal) 2)to wash one's hands of 2 3)to lead by the hand
手を叩く / てをたたく : exp v5k 1)to clap
手を突く / てをつく : exp v5k 1)to place both hands on the ground (to express respect, apology or to present a r...

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