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手を切る / てをきる : exp v5r 1)to cut off (a relationship)
手刀を切る / てがたなをきる : exp v5r 1)(sumo) to make a ceremonial hand movement when receiving the monetary award
手を振る / てをふる : exp v5r 1)to wave one's hand
手を取る / てをとる : exp v5r 1)to take someone's hand
手をつく / てをつく : exp v5k 1)to place both hands on the ground (to express respect, apology or to present a r...
手を染める / てをそめる : exp v1 1)to have a hand (in)
手を汚す / てをよごす : exp v5s 1)to dirty one's hands
手をあげる / てをあげる : exp v1 1 1)to raise one's hand or hands 2 2)to surrender 3 3)to raise a hand to someone (as a threat to strike) 4 4)to improve

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