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房室リズム / ぼうしつりずむ : 1)AV rhythm 2)atrioventricular rhythm
房室弁 / ぼうしつべん : n 1)atrioventricular valve
房室結節性リズム / ぼうしつけっせつせいりずむ : 1)nodal rhythm
房室節 / ぼうしつせつ : 1)AV bundle 2)atrioventricular bundle
房室結節 / ぼうしつけっせつ : n 1)atrioventricular node 2)AV node
房室 / ぼうしつ : n 1 1)room 2)chamber 2 3)monk in charge of business in the monks' quarters 3 4)bedroom (of a married couple) 4 5)locule (in a plant ovary) 5 6)atria and ventricles
房室伝導 / ぼうしつでんどう : 1)AV conduction 2)atrioventricular conduction
房中 / ぼうちゅう : n 1)within a room

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