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房室 / ぼうしつ : n 1 1)room 2)chamber 2 3)monk in charge of business in the monks' quarters 3 4)bedroom (of a married couple) 4 5)locule (in a plant ovary) 5 6)atria and ventricles
房中 / ぼうちゅう : n 1)within a room
房術 / ぼうじゅつ : n 1)ability in the bedroom 2)art of lovemaking
房藻 / ふさも : n uk 1)whorl-leaf water milfoil (Myriophyllum verticillatum)
房水 / ぼうすい : 1)aqueous humor 2)hydatoid
房毛 / ふさげ : n 1)lock 2)tuft 3)tassel 4)feathers (i.e. fringe of hair on the legs) 5)feathering 6)penicil
房星 / そいぼし : n arch 1)(astron) Chinese "room" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
房宿 / そいぼし : n arch 1)(astron) Chinese "room" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)

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