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必ずしも / かならずしも : adv 1)(not) always 2)(not) necessarily 3)(not) all 4)(not) entirely P
必ず / かならず : adv 1)always 2)without exception 3)necessarily 4)certainly 5)without fail 6)positively 7)invariably P
必ずや / かならずや : adv 1)certainly 2)surely 3)definitely
必勝法 / ひっしょうほう : n 1)surefire way to win
必着 / ひっちゃく : n 1)must arrive 2)must be received P
必竟 / ひっきょう : oK adv n 1)after all
必置 / ひっち : n adj-no 1)mandatory requirements (e.g. qualifications, administrative structures, etc.)
必置規制 / ひっちきせい : n 1)government rules on structure, staffing, etc. of local bodies (e.g. police force...

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