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後場 / ごば : n 1)afternoon session (market) 2)afternoon trading (market)
後夜 / ごや : n 1 1)period from midnight until the early morning 2 2)around 4 in the morning
後弓 / こうきゅう : 1)posterior arch
後座 / あとざ / こうざ / ござ : n 1)rear part of a noh stage n vs 2)recoil (of a gun) n 1 3)headliner 2 4)latter half of a formal tea ceremony (in which the tea is actually consumed)
後年 / こうねん : n-adv n-t 1)future years 2)in (one's) later years
後山 / あとやま : n 1)pusher (in a mine)
後屈 / こうくつ : n vs adj-no 1)retroflexion
後尾 / こうび : n adj-no 1)the rear

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