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建て値 / たてね : n 1)official market quotations 2)exchange rates
建て / たて / だて : n n-suf 1)contract 2)commitment suf 1 3)indicates storeys, structures, or materials used in a building 2 4)indicates denomination (after a currency)
建てる / たてる : v1 vt 1)to build 2)to construct P
建て前 / たてまえ : n 1 1)face 2)official stance 3)public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts) 2 4)ceremony for the erection of the framework of a house P
建て坪 / たてつぼ : n 1)floor space
建て網 / たてあみ : n 1)fish trap 2)set net
建値 / たてね : n 1)official market quotations 2)exchange rates
建具屋 / たてぐや : n 1)a joiner 2)cabinetmaker

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