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左室 / さしつ : 1)left ventricle 2)left ventricular
左褄 / ひだりづま : n 1 1)left skirt of a kimono 2 2)geisha (because they often walked holding the left hem of their kimono)
左図 / さず : n 1)plan which is shown on the left 2)left-most plan 3)map on the left (chart, graph)
左袒 / さたん : n vs arch 1)friendship 2)allegiance 3)support
左官 / さかん / しゃかん : n 1)plasterer
左表 / さひょう : n 1)chart at the left
左葉 / さよう : 1)left lobe
左舷 / さげん : n 1)port (left side of vessel)

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