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山の神 / やまのかみ : n 1 1)mountain god 2 col 2)one's wife (sometimes esp. a nagging wife) 3 uk 3)roughskin sculpin (Trachidermus fasciatus)
山の背 / やまのせ : n 1)ridge (of a mountain)
山の頂 / やまのいただき : n 1)mountain top
山の気 / やまのき : n 1)mountain air
山の様 / やまのよう : exp adj-na 1)plentiful 2)lot of 3)much
山の手 / やまのて : n 1 1)hilly section of a city (usu. residential) 2)Yamanote (hilly residential section of western Tokyo, inc. Yotsuya, Aoyama, Kois... 2 3)place near the mountains
山の幸 / やまのさち : n 1)food of the mountains (wild game, mountain vegetables, mushrooms, etc.) 2)fruits of the land
山の芋 / やまのいも : n uk 1)Japanese yam (Dioscorea japonica)

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