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尺骨神経 / しゃっこつしんけい : 1)ulnar nerve
尺骨 / しゃっこつ : n adj-no 1)the ulna
尺地 / しゃくち : n 1)small plot of land
尺鷸 / しゃくしぎ : n uk obsc 1)curlew (any bird of genus Numenius)
尺けん / せっけん : n 1 1)small amount of silk (i.e. only one foot of cloth) 2 2)unimportant painting 3)trivial work of art
尺を取る / しゃくをとる : exp v5r 1)to measure (the length)
尺側 / しゃくそく : 1)ulnar
尺八 / しゃくはち : n 1 1)shakuhachi 2)end-blown fippleless bamboo flute 2 X vulg 3)blow job 4)oral sex (penis in mouth) 5)fellatio P

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