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小板 / しょうばん : 1)scutellum 2)scutellata
小柄 / こがら / こづか / しょうへい : adj-na n adj-no 1 1)small build 2)small stature 3)petite 2 4)small pattern P n 5)knife attached to the sheath of a sword n 6)sterigma
小満 / しょうまん : n 1)"grain full" solar term (approx. May 21)
小波 / さざなみ : n uk 1)ripple (on water) 2)wavelets
小水 / しょうすい : n vs 1)urine 2)urination 3)small quantity of water
小母 / おば : n uk 1)(used with suffix -san or -sama) endearing term for unrelated older woman 2)(with suffix -san) term used by a child to address unrelated adult female
小歌 / こうた : n 1 1)Heian era court lady's song (accompanying men's oouta) 2)court lady singing a kouta 2 3)ditty 4)ballad 5)short, hummable, popular tune from Muromachi era to early Edo era 3 6)kyogen kouta 7)style of kyogen song based on the Muromachi songs, often love ballad 4 8)noh kouta 9)unusual style of noh song based on the Muromachi songs
小欲 / しょうよく : n 1)only slightly covetous

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