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対抗 / たいこう : n vs 1)opposition 2)antagonism P
対戦 / たいせん : n vs 1)waging war 2)competition P
対審 / たいしん : n vs 1)confrontation
対数 / たいすう : n 1)logarithm
対照 / たいしょう : n vs 1)contrast 2)antithesis 3)comparison P
対屋 / たいのや : n 1)side house (to the east, west, or north of a main residence; home to women, chil...
対岸 / たいがん : n 1)opposite shore P
対峙 / たいじ : n vs 1 1)confrontation 2)standing facing each other (e.g. mountains, buildings) 2 3)squaring off against (adversaries, armies, forces) 4)standing off against 5)holding one's own with P

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