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容水量 / ようすいりょう : 1)waterholding capacity
容量 / ようりょう : n 1)capacity 2)electrical capacitance P
容ぼう / ようぼう : n adj-no 1)looks 2)personal appearance 3)features
容れる / いれる : v1 vt 1 1)to put in 2)to let in 3)to take in 4)to bring in 5)to insert 6)to set (a jewel, etc.) 7)to ink in (e.g. a tattoo) 2 8)to admit 9)to accept 10)to employ 11)to hire 3 12)to accept 13)to comply 14)to grant 15)to adopt (a policy, etc.) 16)to take (advice, etc.) 17)to listen to 18)to pay attention to 4 19)to include 5 20)to pay (one's rent, etc.) 6 21)to cast (a vote) 22)(7) to make (tea, coffee, etc.) 23)(8) to turn on (a switch, etc.) 24)(9) to send (a fax) 25)to call
容れ物 / いれもの : n 1 1)container 2)case 3)receptacle 2 4)(euph. for) coffin 5)casket
容体 / ようたい / ようだい : n 1)condition (usually animate)
容作る / かたちづくる : v5r vi 1)to form 2)to shape 3)to make 4)to mold 5)to mould 6)to build up
容儀 / ようぎ : n 1)behavior 2)behaviour 3)deportment

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