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実行 / じっこう : n vs 1)practice 2)practising 3)performance 4)execution (e.g. program) (programme) 5)realization 6)realisation 7)implementation P
実現 / じつげん : n vs 1)implementation (e.g. of a system) 2)materialization 3)materialisation 4)realization 5)realisation P
実際 / じっさい : adj-no adv n 1 1)practicality 2)practical 2 3)reality 4)actuality 5)actual conditions 3 6)(Buddh) bhutakoti (limit of reality) P
実科 / じっか : n 1)practical course
実証 / じっしょう : 1)demonstration 2)substantiation 3)demonstrate 4)substantiate 5)corroborate 6)document (vs)
実相 / じっそう : n 1 1)reality 2)real state of affairs 3)true state of affairs 2 4)(Buddh) true form of all things as they are 5)ultimate reality P
実直 / じっちょく : adj-na n 1)honest 2)steady
実益 / じつえき : n 1)actual profit 2)practical use 3)benefit

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