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学生会 / がくせいかい : n 1)student council (details vary widely but a body of students that takes part in o...
学生 / がくしょう / がくせい / がくそう : n 1 arch 1)Heian-period student of government administration 2 arch 2)Buddhist scholar 3)researcher at a Buddhist temple 4)person studying Buddhism 3 arch 5)learning 6)scholarship n 7)student (esp. a university student) P
学生鞄 / がくせいかばん : n 1)school bag (usu. handheld or hung from the shoulder) 2)schoolbag
学友会 / がくゆうかい : n 1)students' association 2)alumni association
学生課 / がくせいか : n 1)student affairs office
学級会 / がっきゅうかい : n 1)class meeting 2)classroom assembly
学協会 / がくきょうかい : n 1)study society 2)academic society
学生語 / がくせいご : n 1)language used by students 2)students' slang

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