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学会賞 / がっかいしょう : 1)prize from an academic society
学会 / がっかい : 1)academic society 2)academic meeting 3)scientific society 4)scientific meeting
学会誌 / がっかいし : 1)official journal of a scientific society
学ラン / がくラン : n uk sl 1)type of Japanese school uniform for boys often stand-up collar with long jacket ...
学らん / がくらん : n uk sl 1)type of Japanese school uniform for boys often stand-up collar with long jacket ...
学ぶ / まなぶ : v5b 1)to study (in depth) 2)to learn 3)to take lessons in P
学び舎 / まなびや : n 1)school 2)school building 3)schoolhouse
学友会 / がくゆうかい : n 1)students' association 2)alumni association

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