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孤立電子対 / こりつでんしつい : 1)lone pair 2)lone electron pair
孤立の姿 / こりつのすがた : n 1)state of isolation
孤立主義 / こりつしゅぎ : n 1)isolationism
孤立化 / こりつか : n vs 1)isolation
孤立感 / こりつかん : n 1)isolation 2)sense of isolation 3)feeling of being isolated
孤立概念 / こりつがいねん : n 1)(comp) isolate
孤立死 / こりつし : n vs 1)dying alone (esp. of someone who lives alone and dies of natural causes at home ... 2)solitary death
孤立無援 / こりつむえん : n 1)being isolated and helpless 2)fighting (struggling) alone and unassisted

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