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如く / ごとく / しく : adv uk 1)like 2)as if 3)the same as v5k vi 1 arch 4)to match 5)to equal 2 6)to catch up with 7)to overtake
如し / ごとし : n suf uk 1)like 2)as if 3)the same as P
如き / ごとき : n suf uk 1)like 2)as if 3)the same as
/ こと / ごと / にょ / もころ : ok n-adv 1)like 2)similar to 3)same as n-adv 4)like n 5)(Buddh) tathata (the ultimate nature of all things)
如來 / にょらい : oK n 1)Tathagata 2)perfected one (suffix of high-ranking Buddhist deities)
如実 / にょじつ : n 1 1)reality 2)things as they really are 2 3)(Buddh) ultimate reality 4)absolute truth P
如意 / にょい : n 1 1)one's wishes 2 2)(Buddh) priest's staff 3)mace
如才 / じょさい : n 1 1)affable 2)slick 3)smooth-tongued 2 4)smart 5)sharp 6)clever 7)skillful 8)adroit

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