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声調 / せいちょう : n 1)tone (of voice) 2)style 3)tone (in Chinese phonetics)
声域 / せいいき : n 1)range of voice
声優 / せいゆう : n 1)voice actor or actress (radio, animation, etc.)
声価 / せいか : n 1)reputation 2)fame
声援 / せいえん : n vs 1)encouragement 2)cheering 3)support P
/ こえ : n 1)voice P
声明 / しょうみょう / せいめい : n 1 1)sabdavidya (ancient Indian linguistic and grammatical studies) 2 2)(Buddh) chanting of Buddhist hymns (usu. in Sanskrit or Chinese) n vs 3)declaration 4)statement 5)proclamation P
声望 / せいぼう : n 1)fame 2)popularity 3)reputation

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