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増資 / ぞうし : n vs 1)increase of capital P
増築 / ぞうちく : n vs 1)addition to a building
増大 / ぞうだい : 1)augmentation 2)increase 3)expansion 4)increment 5)escalation 6)augment 7)enlarge 8)escalate (vs)
増幅 / ぞうふく : n vs 1 1)amplification (elec.) 2 2)magnification 3)amplification 4)making larger
増床 / ぞうしょう : n 1)expansion (in space) of a sales area 2)increase in the number of beds (in a hospital, etc.)
増強 / ぞうきょう : 1)potentiation 2)enhancement 3)augmentation 4)enhance 5)potentiate 6)augment 7)intensify (vs)
増徴 / ぞうちょう : n vs 1)collection of additional taxes
増悪 / ぞうあく : 1)exacerbation 2)deterioration 3)aggravation 4)exacerbate 5)deteriorate 6)aggravate (vs)

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