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/ じゅく : n 1)coaching school 2)cramming school 3)juku P
/ ごみ / じん / ちり : n uk 1)rubbish 2)trash 3)garbage 4)refuse P n 1 5)(Buddh) defilement 6)impurity 7)affliction 2 8)object (perceived with the mind or the senses) 3 9)(num) one billionth n 10)dust 11)dirt
塾生 / じゅくせい : n 1)private-school student P
塾長 / じゅくちょう : n 1)principal of a private school P
/ きょう / さかい : n 1 1)border 2)boundary 2 3)area 4)region 5)spot 6)space 7)environment 3 8)psychological state 9)mental state 4 10)(Buddh) cognitive object 11)something perceptible by the sense organs or mind P
/ はか : n 1)gravesite 2)tomb P
/ ぞう : n 1)increase

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